Services are provided through a collaborative team approach led by a primary counselor and will involve a counselor for the deaf and a counselor for the blind, the staff audiologist, the technology specialist for the deaf and/or the blind, the orientation and mobility specialist, and a rehabilitation teacher. Rehabilitation staff interpreters as well as deaf support specialists are trained to communicate with people who are deafblind and can help when needed.
A person who is deafblind may receive the following services to help him or her get and keep a job:
- Personalized strategic planning for achieving their employment goals
- Testing for adaptive technology that could help with both hearing and vision
- Assistive technology training
- Guidance and counseling
- Job site evaluation for adaptive solutions
- Communication and problem-solving skills’ training
- Coordination with other agencies
- Discovery of personal skills, abilities and interests
- Support services (interpreters, notetakers, etc.) for school
- Job training and preparation for success at work
For more information about Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Blind and Deaf Services, email, or call 334-293-7128. -- Administered by the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind, provides free equipment and training for people with both significant vision and hearing loss. Each person who qualifies receives an individual assessment to determine the best equipment solutions for them: smartphones, tablets, computers, screen readers, braille displays, and more. Find more information on the program and how to apply at